How to be an Original Equipment Manufacturer (O.E.M)

As per the law of conservation of Energy; energy cannot be created or destroyed. It can only be transformed from one source to another. There are two energy sources as in the sun, namely light and heat. The transformation from sunlight to electricity is known as solar photovoltaic route. Using the solar heat is known an Solar Thermal Route.

There are four basic components of a Solar PV system: namely Solar Module, Lead Acid Deep Cycle Battery, Electronic Control System, Luminary. For a Solar Thermal System these components are collector and tank.

For people who are interested to start the solar business as OEM they should have to manufacture one of the four major components of a Solar PV System and in case of Solar Thermal one of the two major components.

After manufacturing of the item; it is to be tested from Government of India accredited test centre. There centres are located at Kolkata (ERTL near Sec-V Police Station, Salt Lake), Gurgaon(Solar Energy Centre), Bangalore (CBIP). For Solar Thermal System the test centre in the Eastern Region is at Jadavpur University (Solar Thermal Testing Centre).

The OEM should make his / her material (PV of thermal) tested from the relevant test centre. This is the minimum eligibility criteria for participation by the OEM in any Government Tender. In addition to this, normal business documents like trade license, VAT, service tax registration certificate, audited balance sheet etc. are also required.

For an entrepreneur to get business loan etc the Department of Micro & Small Scale Enterprises may be contacted. At present there is a Govt. scheme namely PMEP (Priminister Employment Programme) etc. where from entrepreneurs, especially rural entrepreneurs may get loan & subsidy[WBKVIP: 12 BBD Bag, Kolkata-1, 033-2230 6298]. For availing land to construct a factory shed (only manufacturing); Webel, Govt. of West Bengal is providing developed land near Sonarpur under Electronics Industry Park. For this purpose; webel may be contacted. [Webel Bhavan, Sector-V, Salt Lake Electronics Complex, Kolkata-91, 033-2339 2377]

For training, technical input etc the entrepreneurs can contact to following centers:

i) School of Energy Studies Jadavpur University
ii) Monoranjan Roy Energy Education Centre (MREEC), 215A Bus Stand, Sec-V, Salt Lake, Kolkata-91, 033-2367 5499.
iii) Centre for Excellence on Renewable Energy BESU, P.O.: Botanical Garden, Sibpur, Howrah-711103

These products are sold in the open market like all other commercial products . Govt. also procure such systems through tending process. Normal Business rules are applicable for this business as it is applicable for other products like television, Refrigerator etc. The manufacturer/supplier should note that Solar PV Systems having electronics control system which requires regular maintenance, So, sale and installation of Solar PV items require post sale service backup. Without servicing network; selling solar systems (lanterns, house lighting, street lighting systems) will incur troubles for smooth functioning of such items and may create bad name for this technology.

New Tenders
  • Recent Development
  • The power demand in Sagar Island is, at present, met from Solar PV Power of aggregate capacity about 250 kW and from a diesel generator power system of capacity 400 kW. The total number of consumer in Sagar Island is to the tune of 1500 now.

    However, there are a large number of prospective consumers, who are awaiting for electric power.Under such circumstances,WBREDA has decided to set up a Wind-Diesel Hybrid power Plant of capacity 500 kW to cater the need of the Island people. [ more ]

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