Battery Operated Vehicle

Motor vehicles with conventional IC Engines are known to cause over 60% of the ambient air pollution in our cities. In order to arrest the vehicular pollution, R&D activities are on with special emphasis on development of alternative fuels for surface transportation. In many countries of the world, electric vehicles are becoming popular. WBREDA is operating few electric vehicles for last couple of years. In order to popularize, the programmes amongst the common people, WBREDA will come up with an innovative scheme.

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  • Recent Development
  • The power demand in Sagar Island is, at present, met from Solar PV Power of aggregate capacity about 250 kW and from a diesel generator power system of capacity 400 kW. The total number of consumer in Sagar Island is to the tune of 1500 now.

    However, there are a large number of prospective consumers, who are awaiting for electric power.Under such circumstances,WBREDA has decided to set up a Wind-Diesel Hybrid power Plant of capacity 500 kW to cater the need of the Island people. [ more ]

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