Bio Energy Programme

Biogas for Domestic & Community Purpose :

WBREDA has received the sanction from MNRE, Govt. of India 18000 numbers of Domestic Type Biogas Plant for the state of West Bengal and also 3000 numbers of Domestic Type Biogas Plant for the state of Bihar in the financial year 2011 – 12, which will be implemented by WBREDA. Out of 18,000 nos., approximate 11,000 nos. installations have been completed in the State of West Bengal and approximately 1,200 nos. installations have been completed in Bihar upto December, 2011.

WBREDA received 03 no. new proposals for installation of Institutional type Biogas Programme of the state. The Institutions are as under :

1)  40 cum Biogas Plant at Peerless Abasan at Panihati under Panihati Municipality.
2) 10 cum Biogas Plant at Jalpaiguri Govt. Engineering College, Jalpaiguri from kitchen waste of Hostels.
3) 15 cum Biogas Plant from kitchen waste for 3 Central Jails namely, Alipore Central Jail, Dum Dum Central Jail and Presidency Jail.

The Government has meanwhile sanctioned fund for Panihati Abasan, Panihati and Jalpaiguri Govt. Engineering College.  The works of those two areas have taken in hand.

The Secretary, MNRE visited the State of Bihar few month’s back to see the development of implementation of Renewable Energy Technologies / Systems in Bihar when Director, WBREDA and Managing Director, M/s. Beltron Telecommunications Ltd. (a Govt. of Bihar undertaking) were present with Secretary. Some senior officials of MNRE were also present during the visit. During his visit, one idea was developed that WBREDA jointly with M/s. Beltron Telecommunications Ltd. may implement the NBMMP (National Biogas Manure Management Programme) in Bihar particularly in the adjacent districts of West Bengal such as Araria, Purnia, Katihar, Bhagalpur etc. After that, WBREDA has taken the initiation in respect of implementation of NBMMP at Bihar with the help of MNRE and M/s. Beltron. MNRE has given the provisional allotment for 3000 nos. of Domestic Type of Biogas Plants for the State of Bihar through WBREDA. WBREDA visited the districts mentioned earlier along with M/s. Beltron. Preliminary 6 Nos. of NGOs have been selected for implementation of NBMMP in those districts of Bihar.

Provisional allotment has been given to those 06 nos. NGOs for implementation of Domestic Type of Biogas Plants @500 nos. each. WBREDA has organized some awareness programme along with M/s. Beltron in those districts before starting the work. WBREDA will provide necessary infrastructural support to M/s. Beltron for implementation of the programme in Bihar such as supplying of NGOs, list of materials, requirement of materials, technical parameter of site selection, preparation of beneficiaries list etc. as per the guidelines of the MNRE, Govt. of India.

The field level implementation has already started.

Bio-Mass Gasifier for Village Electrification :

WBREDA is running three Biomass Gasifier Power Plants at following Locations for village electrification purpose.

1. Gosaba 500 kW
2. Chotto Mollakhali 500 kW
3. Herembo Gopalpur

Location of the project Capacity Date of commen-cement No. of consumers Revenue earning per month Expenditure per month
Gosaba 500 kW 20-6-1997 1200 Nos. Rs.3.50 lacs Rs.7.50 lacs
Chhoto Mollakhali 500 kW 29-6-2001 375 Nos. Rs.0.70 lacs Rs.2.50 lacs
Herembo Gopalpur 400 kW
(200 kW shifted at Gosaba)
08-3-2006 50 Nos. Rs.0.06 lacs Rs.0.50 lacs

The Power Plants are equipped with Duel Fuel Type Gasifiers. The plants are very old and already crossed its life. The power plants are not viable at all considering revenue generated and expenditure incurred for fuel and O&M. Due to the commitment to the public WBREDA is not able to withdraw its responsibility by closing down the power plants.

In case of Gosaba Power Plant, WBREDA already requested District Magistrate to share the problem and communicated that the delivery of power would be restricted to 5/6 hours daily instead of 12 hours. The renovation and modernisation work of Gosaba Power Plant is going on and it is expected that by March, 2012 the work will be completed.

For Chhoto Mollakhali Project, a proposal has been conceived to take up renovation work with an involvement of Rs.30.30 Lacs. The work is in progress and likely to be completed by March, 2012.

Biomass Gasifier for Commercial Establishments :

Under the MNRE programme, so far 163 Nos. of Rice Husk based Gasifier Systems have been installed.  The Gasifier is mostly generating power to meet captive demand for the Rice Mills.  Total installation is now 63 MW. The present position of Biomass Gasifier Plant with Rice Husk based is as under :

Year of Sanction Item Achievement
2010 – 11 Power generation in Rice Mills through Rice Husk Gasifier mode.  40 nos. Rice Mills & others.
(Cumulative 199 nos. of Rice Mills & others)
i) 6.0 MW additional capacity has been added in financial year 2010 – 11 & 2011 – 12.
ii) Till now 199 nos. of Rice Husk based and others (Bakery etc.) power generation installed with a total capacity of 66.5 MW.

Micro Turbine :

India has a large potential to generate electricity in rural areas from cow dung based biogas plants. In India, 100% biogas based electric generators are not available. One US Company, M/s. Capstone Micro Turbine developed biogas operated micro turbine which can generate electricity in smaller scale. So far in India, no micro turbine projects have been installed. It is, in this context, the Govt. of India and West Bengal along with USAID took up it as a pilot project to set up 2 X 30 kW Micro Turbine units at Purulia District of West Bengal. The same project has been completed and generates electricity through grid connected mode.

Village Energy Security Programme with 100% Gasifier + Improved Chulha + Biogas Plants :

MNRE, Government of India sanctioned seven projects under VES Programme. Subsequently three projects have been withdrawn due to existence of grid in those three villages. WBREDA has already completed three projects at Ramgarh, Bhuifore and Karudoba.

New Tenders
  • Recent Development
  • The power demand in Sagar Island is, at present, met from Solar PV Power of aggregate capacity about 250 kW and from a diesel generator power system of capacity 400 kW. The total number of consumer in Sagar Island is to the tune of 1500 now.

    However, there are a large number of prospective consumers, who are awaiting for electric power.Under such circumstances,WBREDA has decided to set up a Wind-Diesel Hybrid power Plant of capacity 500 kW to cater the need of the Island people. [ more ]

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